Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Our Friends: Pirates on the Water

Pirates on the Water is a very interesting social and service organization here in the Keys. There is no greater group of friends of the Florida Keys Wild Bird Center. They recently held a benefit for us that was superb! Bird Bash 2007 featured a live auction, local luminaries, and a lot of fun!

The Piates have a great Website. Click right here to see the pictures of the Bird Bash 2007 and read the narrative. If you are looking for a fun bunch to join... here they are!

Thanks much to the Pirates on the Water!

Why We Need Old Towels and Linens

This peahen was hit by a car on old US1. Usually, drivers in this area know to watch for and work with the several flocks of pea fowl that wander the highway, but an unfortunate driver hit this hen and her sister were hit. The sister died.

Technically, pea fowl are "barnyard" animals, but around here they are "free range" and we take them in at the Florida Keys Wild Bird Center if they need help. Our goal will be to get this girl back out with the flock. But, as we nurse her in our ICU, note that we go through a lot of sheets and towels. Your contributions of old bed linens and towels are very useful and welcome.

The Challenges of Infrastructure

Most of our biggest challenges revolve around maintaining our infrastructure. Combine salt water, mud, leaves, and bird input/output and you have a challenge. We have to keep things washed down and ship shape, but that mean moving a lot of water around. Salt water and pumps have a hard time co-existing.

This photo shows a 2HP washdown pump that been in service for a little over a year. It's time for a overhaul (if possible) or replacement of the motor.

We talk about the wonder and rewards of helping wild creatures stay strong and build their flocks... but much of the work has to do with things as prosiac as pumps. That's why it costs us over $1000 a day to keep it running!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

UPDATE: Slash Prospers!

We are thrilled to report that the wild Great White Heron we named "Slash" (because of the terrible wound in his neck) has recovered and is healthy. Please see the movie below!

For more information about the Florida Keys Wild Bird Center, please see our Website http://www.fkwbc.org/