Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Developers Populate the Fish and Wildlife Commission

A meeting that the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission held in the Keys a few years ago was an eye-opening experience. The purpose of the meeting was to review the lobster mini-season. This is the two day debacle when visitors come from the North with a full tank of gas and a car full of groceries, don't buy anything for two days, jam the roads and water, and terrorize the wildlife. Fortunately, in the Keys the local municipalities have taken actions to block the worst eco-terrorism. Local towns did things to protect and conserve the wildlife that the "Conservation" commissioners would not.

At that meeting it became clear that the commissioners had no concerns about the conservation of wildlife. Their only concern was about conducting business and commerce. They wanted to continue to squeeze the poor crustaceans for the last pennies.

It comes as no surprise, but it is a disappointment, that our new governor has followed the same course. "To fill three seats on the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission earlier this month, Crist picked Broward County developer Ron Bergeron, Orlando development lawyer Ken Wright and Jacksonville construction company executive Kathy Barco." Read it all here.

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