Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Save the Environment-- For What?

It's fashionable to want to "do something" to save the environment. We hear of people buying "carbon credits" and we hear of massive projects to "Restore the Everglades". That's all fine, but what creatures will be living on the "saved" and "restored" planet?

The Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan calls for $12 Billion to restore the environment for wildlife, but not one penny of that money is committed to saving the lives of the residents of that environment. You can preserve the environment, but the law of exponents says you do a lot more right now by saving one bird who can reproduce for generations.

About 800 birds pass through our facility a year. Right now we are getting ready for the busy migratory season in November and December. During those months we'll get an average of eight newly injured birds a day. Our job is the rehabilitation and release of those birds back into the wild so they can grow strong, reproduce, and bring us all joy.

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